Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Mayo el Drinko

Here we are again, that time of the year when we have yet another excuse to provide a foreign holiday to give people yet another excuse to get drunk and act like idiots. Don't misunderstand, I have nothing against holidays per se, but why we Americans feel the need to adopt yet another holiday to give people an excuse to get drunk is beyond me. I cannot believe that the liquor and beer manufacturers and distributors need an additional reason to sell more alcholic beverages. We certainly have enough holidays of our own, not to mention those who choose to drink everyday, or on any occasion. Have we become a nation whose people need a reason to get drunk or act like idiots?

As if we didn't have enough holidays of our own, maybe we should celebrate every battle we won even if it was on foreign soil. Let's be honest the Mexicans won a battle and now use the date of that battle to celebrate the victory by drinking and getting out of control, or did they. I believe it is all advertising hype by the beer and liquor distributors who have created this illusion just to sell more booze. I have no doubt that the Mexican people are very proud of winning this battle, and have good reason to celebrate, but why do we Americans who gained nothing, nor had anything to do with this victory feel the need to celebrate, if not for all the advertising hype. Free enterprise is a great thing, and I think we are very lucky to have such a system in place in this country, but let's not get carried away.

There are more alcohol related traffic accidents and deaths on Cinco de Mayo then any other holiday. I wonder why? Perhaps it's because we have people who buy into all this hype, and believe it is okay to drink and drive, especially if they are celebrating a special occasion. Even with all the advertising telling people to drink responsibly cannot seem to curb all the alcohol related traffic fatalities and injuries. Some one needs to get a clue, and step up to the plate and act responsibly, and that has to be the American public. After all, no one person can be responsible for changing the attitudes of another. It is something that has to come from each individual, and no one else. If enough of us begin to act responsibly and not be drawn in to all the advertising hype and propaganda spread by companies in this country and abroad who are only trying to sell something, then maybe we will be better off.

I have absolutely nothing against holidays or celebrations, but let's be responsible citizens and not a bunch of irresponsible people who don't care if we hurt or kill someone, just so long as we are having fun and not hurting ourselves in the process. I think we Americans are better than that, and we all have a conscience, we just need to exercise good judgement and know when we've had too much to drink, we don't dare attempt to operate a motor vehicle of any kind.

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